daffodilsEaster is the most important Christian holiday of the year because it celebrates the day when Christians believe Jesus rose from the dead. The date of Easter changes each year but is always held sometime in March or April. The symbol of the resurrection is the cross, so outside of many churches you will see crosses at this time often decorated with flowers.

Easter is also a Spring festival celebrating ‘new life’ – not just the new life of Jesus, but the new life in the land all around us. This is where many of the more secular symbols of the season: eggs, flowers, lambs, chicks, bunnies etc. come from. And this is why people traditionally give Easter eggs as presents at this holiday.

For many Christian children Easter is a holiday that combines the religious aspect (a trip to church) with the fun of eating chocolate eggs. It is also an important family time for many Christian families who will come together to take advantage of a long weekend to have a big family meal and to celebrate together.


Free printable Easter basket 

Easter basketDownload the free printable Easter basket template here and fold your own. Perfect size to fit a Cadbury Cream Egg.






Products that can help you to explore Easter

Childminding Best Practice Club – themed packs

Childminding best practice club logoJoin the Childminding Best Practice Club and get monthly packs of themed activities emailed to you. As well as art projects with templates, each pack includes a planning guide to help you plan around a theme.

Diversity Awareness Pack

Diversity Awareness Pack for childmindersPrintable diversity craft projects and printable diversity colouring pages to help childminders to teach 20 diversity topics including disability, religion, race, families and multicultural holidays including Easter.





See also:

Spring for a free printable umbrella craft and other ideas